The Supreme Student Council (SSC), in collaboration with the Office of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS), initiated an HIV/AIDS Awareness symposium entitled Celebrate Love, Embrace Awareness today, February 12, held at the Multi-Purpose Court (MPC).
The activity aimed to educate and raise attention to the overgrowing HIV/AIDS cases in the country and the region, specifically focusing on the mitigation measures to curb the rising trend.
SSC President Juana Ampalayo kicked off the program, greeting attendees and explaining the event’s topics.
Deepening understanding about Safe Love, Mr. Rey G. Comabig, Head of Student Development Services, emphasized HIV /AIDS awareness information and the related stigma associated with it.
” It’s totally alarming the cases of HIV/AIDS in our country as the number of infected individuals were younger than expected,” Comabig said.
” Test, treat, prevent but never discriminate,” he ended.
Following that, Ms. Jessa Laarni Espinas, Director of Student Affairs and Services, gave a discussion titled “True Love Waits.” She talked about the difficulties of modern dating, the impact of technology on relationships, and the importance of patience in discovering true love. She concluded that, despite modern dating patterns, real love is still accessible.